ICG – International Consulting Group

ICG – International Consulting Group- is an international group of legal, accounting and financial consulting firms.

ICG, founded in 1995 by several traditional Latin American companies, brings together more than 200 employees with diverse areas of expertise (accountants, lawyers, business administrators, economists, marketing, media, and public relations specialists…), in a multicultural environment made up of 19 nationalities.

Our organization offers a wide variety of services, consulting in legal and financial issues in national and international markets.

Our Commitment:

Make businesses transparent, successful and sustainable, within a relationship of trust


In a rapidly evolving and very competitive world, we have a strong conviction: develop efficient and innovative work structures. Our mission is to help our clients solve many of their business-related challenges through personalized service and building a strong relationship with them and their markets. Building a durable relationship with our clients is accomplished by identifying their needs, understanding their interactions and helping establish a clear and continuous communication with each of them.


ICG’s values (Transparency, Honesty, Confidentiality, and Excellence) guide our work approach, define our profession and shape our attitudes and behavior at work. These values are the result of an efficient collaborative work carried out within the network, where ICG’s leaders get involved in international consulting, from small to large businesses and organizations.

International y multicultural

ICG is an international network with more than 20 offices (integrated or collaborated) in 19 countries, representing a team with over 200 people from American and European continents. To understand the clients, our team of consultants share their experiences and case studies through virtual working areas. Members attend annual meetings and virtual meetings among countries and internal quality control meetings with partners, thus reinforcing the multicultural approach of the organization.

Quality consultancy for effective results

We work along with our clients to define an effective strategy by analyzing facts (evidence-based), understanding the circumstances, the stakeholders and the different issues involved.

Measurable outcomes, ensuring the efficiency of our services

Because success is measured, we determine the performance and achievement criteria and standards to with our clients. We know how to tailor our consulting services and the related actions to the results, and make changes when necessary.
  • Tenho muito orgulho da nossa organização profissional, pois tem ajudado nossos clientes a fazer negócios no exterior com a confiança de que nossos associados ICG cuidarão deles. Não é fácil ir a um novo país fazer negócios, mas nossa equipe de profissionais de confiança torna a transição mais fácil.
    Carlos M. Castellon, CPA
    Presidente do ICG

Board of Directors

Carlos M. Castellon, CPA

President ICG

Francisco González

General Secretary ICG

Buenos Aires. Argentina.